Thursday, August 21, 2014

True Blood 2.11- "Frenzy"

written by: Alan Ball
directed by: Daniel Minahan

The dream(y) team is back!
-We finally get to meet the Queen of Louisiana.

Whose fangs are as ridiculous as her acting.

-I get that Hoyt is upset about Jessica biting Maxine, but he's always been really understandable about Jess' vampirism. It's kind of like, where is this coming from Hoyt?

-Sophie Anne calls Bill a snob. It's a bit rich coming from her, but it's not inaccurate.

"We suspect."- I may dislike Bill, but Stephen Moyer has great comedic timing. 

-Sophie Anne explains maenads by saying, "everything that exists imagined itself into existence." It's as if the audience is suppose to buy that and forget about all the shitty plot holes the Maryann storyline has caused.

-Sophie Anne jokes about having sex with Bill. 

That's nothing to joke about.
-Tara still wants to rescue Eggs and Lafayette and Sookie realize what a bad idea that is. Tara, however, asks Sookie, "How many times have you put yourself in danger for the man you love? How come you get that option and I don't?" She's not wrong, but it's not smart either.

-Tara then turns into a really spiteful bitch who has to be handcuffed. Here starts the falling apart of her and Sookie's friendship.

At least the handcuffs are furry.
-Lettie Mae, who has done fuck all, continues to do fuck all and just cries. As Tara puts it, "This ain't happening to you!"

-Hey sober Andy, long time no see.

-Jason describes Kevin as "that squirrelly one". Jason should be in charge of all adjectives from now on.

-Jason decides to deal with the Maryann situation with Andy and takes all of his hilarious misquotes with him.

-Are Lisa and Coby the only kids in this town?

Besides Hoyt.
-Tara is laying down the guilt trip hard on Lettie Mae. She's shown to have a strong constitution so I'm sure it won't effect her.

-Ok, it's time to retire "satan in a sunday hat." We get it. 

-Sam fixes the kids a sandwich on WHITE BREAD. Is Bon Temps out of multigrain? 

-I like to imagine that Eric and Sam have to go to all these boring Supe business bureau meetings with room temperature Tru Blood and stale donuts.

Someone make this happen.
-"Somebody need to slap that bitch."-Sookie lies when says she slapped Eric.

-I'm glad I'm not the only one who talks to their friend about Alexander SkarsgÄrd sex dreams.

But am I Lafayette or Sookie in this scenario?
-Why is Sookie surprised that Lettie Mae shot at cats? That woman is pointing a gun at her nephew. She's terrible.

-For a minute I'm wondering if Lafayette shouted "riddikulus" and that's why we're seeing Eric in Lettie Mae's clothes.

Gotta keep the boggarts at bay.
-Sookie, the last line of defense, gives Tara her car keys because everyone is being stupid in this episode.

-Jason is weirdly fascinated by the possibilities of Sam's shifter sex life.

-Jason distracts Rosie with the best weapon in his arsenal: his sexuality.

-Andy makes his way to the weapons and finds Bud doing his best Yosemite Sam impression.

Minus pants, of course.
-Suck it bitch!

-Sam has been waiting outside in the car with Arlene kids for Eric to wake up. Didn't he read the sign?

Sorry We're...Deaf?
-Sam bribes Ginger with $100 dollars. That'll buy a lot cut offs.

-Lafayette seems like he's had to hold a gun and drive a car at the same time before.

-Um Sookie, Lafayette is sucking it up.

With a gun.
-Tara's plan to get Eggs fails miserably and she's back to being a "zombie." What was even the point of her being rescued?

-Also it was Tara's fault that Maryann came. Not feeling any love for Tara right now.

-Jason's only messed around with one passed out girl, though she wasn't that way when they started. I'm surprised the number isn't higher. 

-Andy didn't get a bulletproof vest for Jason. Dick move.

-Look at those childhood pictures of Hoyt!

And the baseball frame!
-Maxine puts potato chips on everything. I'm surprised Hoyt isn't 300 pounds.

-Maxine wants to bring a box of chardonnay to Maryann's. 

-"That man just liked to dance more than a normal man should."

-Hoyt's dad killed himself, not died stopping a robber like Maxine said. 

Or by Maxine's cooking.
-Sookie and Lafayette go on about the evils of man. Guys we've been watching this show for two seasons and a lot of characters are terrible. We know what's up.

-Arlene and Terry sitting in a tree...demanding pants as a toll.

-Lafayette starts throwing drugs around like it's Mardi Gras and Arlene and Terry have their tops off.
"You got to pay the troll's toll to get into the boy's soul."-Source
-I imagine Eric lounges around Fangtasia like that all the time.

-Pam and Sam both give perfect reactions to Eric asking Sam, "Can you give me Sookie Stackhouse?"

Mine is a mixture of the two.
-I need Pam's jumpsuit like yesterday.

-"Our almost stepdaddy hated vampires, but we don't."
"He went on a vacation with Jesus."-Kids say the darndest things.

-Pam's line of the night: "You make me so happy I never had any of you." You and me both Pam.

-Eric calls kids "tea cup humans", gives a saucy wink, and flies away. He's on fire tonight.

Delicious indeed.
-Ok we get it. Everyone is speaking Latin. 

-Jane Bodehouse cuts off part of her finger and Mike Spencer wants to sex up Sookie. I watched this episode a few days ago and I'm still cringing. 

-Also cringe inducing: Bill in a bathing suit.

-Sophie Anne is out-boring Bill in an attempt to keep him from leaving.

-NOOOOOOOO!!!!! Not Carl!

You glorious orgy refereeing bastard.
-Everyone is playing yahtzee. You're immortal and yahtzee is the best you can come up with?

-Sophie Anne was pulling off the cat's eye look before it came back in style.

-The human beige wall is Hadley, Sookie's cousin.

I really can't think of any other way to describe her.
-Eric lands as Bill is leaving and his hair is delightfully messed up.

-Eric calls Bill out on him rather forcibly giving Sookie his blood. How does Eric know about it?

The only thing they have in common.
-Jason and Andy are carbo-loading in Jason's car.

-Jason calls Andy out for all his Stackhouse hate and claims, "I ain't taking any pussy away from you." He then goes on to say that he's good at sex because of all the porn he studies. 

-They go to save the town and immediately they become "zombies." Seriously, there's another plot that in the end meant nothing.

Except a new bromace!
-Bill shows up probably not to make things better.

-Sookie tries to turn her life into a cartoon and hits Mike over the head with a frying pan.

-Sookie walks into a man wearing the dress she wore to Fangtasia. Who wore it better?

-There's an egg on Sookie's bed and Lafayette is a "zombie."


I didn't have a musical moment for the episode so here's the season two promo with Depeche Mode's "Corrupt". Fun story, it was the print ads of this that convinced me to watch the show. The rest is history.

-You may notice that The Queen mentions Sookie's name before Bill does. Hadley told The Queen about Sookie and The Queen sent Bill to procure her. Bill also seems to know who Hadley is already.

-Lettie Mae tells Tara, "You don't want true love." Her husband wanted to wave a gun about during her daughters birthday party so she knows what she's talking about.

-Eric makes Bill think he has the upper hand about Eric selling V and he threatens to tell the Queen. The Queen, of course, already knows.

Go to Home of the Nutty for screencaps.

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