Monday, August 4, 2014

True Blood 1.09- "Plasier D'Amour"

written by: Brian Buckner
directed by: Anthony M. Hemingway

Bill finally gets an intervention on how to be a proper vampire.
-Bill stakes Long Shadow. It's pretty gross.

This is why you don't wear white after Labor Day.
-See the spoiler section for more on Bill staking Long Shadow.

-"Humans. Honestly Bill, I don't know what you see in them."


-It looks like Long Shadow was nice enough to completely saturate Sookie's dress with his blood.

-Ginger has been glamoured a lot, because Pam is certainly not going to turn her. We have 3 episodes left in the series to see if this changes.

-Fun fact, when I write my notes while I watch the episodes I mark each new setting. Last night I was rather tired when I was writing my notes and instead of writing "Eric's office" I managed to write this:

-For those of you who can't read my classy handwriting it says "Eric's orgy". Like I said I was tired and apparently my dreams began to seep into my notes.

-"Tru Blood: It keeps you alive, but it will bore you to death."-Eric is spot on.

Bill's even putting himself to sleep.
-It's a big deal to kill a vampire in front of other vampires. Eric would not have left witnesses.

-Amy asks Jason if he would like to have the same arrangement with Vampire Eddie as Lafayette had. Honestly, I think both Jason and Vampire Eddie would have both been happier with it.

-Jason points out that Amy has done this before. Get out while you're ahead buddy!

-Jason measures the craziness of ladies by the size of their purse. I find the size of the eyes to be a better indicator.

Those eyes say crazy town banana pants.
-Pam Line of the Night: "There's vampire in your cleavage."- Pam's not talking about a vampire motorboating Sookie.

-Jason bought gas masks after 9/11. For once I agree with Amy. Terrorists are not going to hit up Bon Temps (Dallas is a different story!)

-I like Jason's "dude I got this" when Vampire Eddie tries to agree with him. It's one thing to think your girlfriend is crazy. It's another for other people to know your girlfriend is crazy.

-Jason is upset that Vampire Eddie is looking them in the eyes while they drink his blood. Amy and Jason will show him what's up by having terrible drugged up sex in front of him

His eyes are about to see worse things.
-"My soul don't want to get ripped off."

-Bill decides that the best thing to do is to lie to Sookie. What a shocker.

-Bill pronounces "drama" as "DRAM-a". What a DRAM-a Queen.

-Alas Tina, the cat, is no more and thus ends my short lived True Blood/Bob's Burgers mash-up.

"I'm no hero. I put my bra on one boob at a time like everyone else."-Source

-Amy "thanks" Vampire Eddie while her and Jason are boning. "Fuck you" indeed.

-Bill thinks that Sookie is most upset about her cat dying. Dude you just saw her gran's dead body the other night. Come on.

-Sookie and Bill then have a boring conversation about who should feel the guiltiest. I'm just like, someone needs to get Vampire Eddie out of Jason's.

-Jason has never had a raw almond. This reminds me of Aziz Ansari talking about when he was there when 50 Cent learned what a grapefruit was.

-"I'm a person that a lot of bad stuff has happened to in the past and so I deserve this."- See my spoiler on why this statement makes Amy dangerous.

-Sam believes that Lettie Mae is drinking again and with lines like, "I taught you that was a sin against god. If I walk in on you doing it, it's your problem." and "black men are less prone to grovel," I don't blame him.

-Sam tells Tara that she's not the most fucked up person. Unfortunately, Tara believes and will continue to believe this until her character is nothing but awful.

-Tara "White Fang's" Sam.

Ironic considering the ending.
-Arlene convinces Sam to throw her engagement party at Merlotte's. It would be nice to see Sam have a male friend.

-"Ain't nothing good about this morning."- Me, every morning.

-"Since when is it right to call mayonnaise a fucking secret?"
"I kind of like it though."

So much greatness in this photo.

-Jason becomes a tree hugger and almost kills Renee in the process and then has the nerve to be a jerk to Hoyt. Amy is a terrible influence.

-Sookie and Amy bond by Amy getting all up in family business.

-Jason throws out his back trying to shift Vampire Eddie. Last time I threw out my back it was because I was wearing my hooker heels.

-Bill even plays boring games!

This is what he wants to do for eternity.
-Eric and Pam bring in another future Glee cast member!

Eric is what I want to be doing for the rest of eternity.
-"Tell me, do you enjoy living halfway up his backside the way you do?"
"Yes, it's nice. You should try it."- I bet it is nice.

-We learn that Vampire Eddie is pretty much the exact opposite of Eddie. Jason manages to actually be compassionate.

-Bill and the vampire gang head to Merlotte's to tell Sookie goodbye.

-Sam is tired of Bill telling him who Sookie is. So are we.

-Eric is taking advantage of the new setting by handing out flyers to Fangtasia. I'd like to think there is an alternative scene where Sam does this in Fangtasia.

That wig really brings out his fivehead.
-Sookie and Bill have a dramatic kiss and Pam sums it up best. "If I had any feelings, I'd have the chills right about now." Eric disagrees.

-I actually find Sookie and Tara's really believable and nice. Spoiler, I'll stop finding it believable in later seasons.

-Jason describes his parents dying in a flash flood as "the shits." He does have a way with words.

-The vampire tied up in the chair is the voice of reason when he tells Jason that Amy's "a psychopath...she's far more dangerous than I could every be."

-Sam gives Tara the money to have an exorcism which is nice.

-Sookie sees Sam and Tara kissing and then becomes a big hypocrite about it all.

To be fair she might have seen them do more than just kissing.
-Finally, we can all stop pretending that we don't know Sam is the collie.

-Musical Moment of the Night: "Walking the Dog" by Rufus Thomas. End credits song.


-Eric asks Bill if he's attached to Sookie because of an edict. Bill denies, but of course he is. He was sent by Queen Sophie Anne to procure Sookie.

-Pam says that she's beginning to see what the fuss about Sookie is. She will later say, "I'm so over Sookie and her precious fucking fairy vagina and her unbelievably stupid name!"

Fuck Sookie indeed.
-It might just be me, but I think Renee lost his accent when he was yelling at Jason.

-Sookie says if she called in sick everytime someone she loves died she'd never get to work. Eventually she'll just never go to work. Seriously, what job does she even hold in the seventh season besides making sad eyes at Bill.

-This is one of those things that I chalk up to the writers not knowing to do with Pam or Kristin Bauer van Straten. Pam is entirely too giggly in the first season. She sounds like a drunk girl at a party laughing at her crush's unfunny jokes. Luckily they cut that shit out next season.

-Eric mocks Nan Flannigan as the pretty blonde vamp on tv. In the fourth season that will be him!

-Amy becomes dangerous in her self righteousness because she doesn't see what she's doing as wrong. What she's doing if finally getting what she thinks is owed to her. This is also what makes Bill very dangerous. We spend a few seasons seeing him as an angsty vampire and suddenly he thinks that he should be Lillith because of the hand he's been dealt. It takes consideration of other people completely out of the equation.

Home of the Nutty is not dangerous and a great source for True Blood screencaps!

Leaving comments also isn't dangerous! What are you? Chicken?

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