Friday, August 15, 2014

True Blood 2.03- "Scratches"

written by: Raelle Tucker
directed by: Scott Winant

I want to be Pam so badly.
-"Be quiet!"
"Eat shit!"-Jessica is telling Bill what he needs to hear.

-Speaking of people hearing things that they need to hear, Bill might be an asshole right now, but Sookie needs to hear the consequences of what she's done.

-Sookie leaves the car in a huff and Bill demands that she come back. Fuck that. Of course that means Sookie is alone in the woods. 

It's hard to tell who is being the dumbest.

-Sookie is attacked. Shocker!

-Sookie describes the thing that attacked her as "bull human". Is she sure it wasn't this?

It's super serious y'all.
-Sam is a jerk to Daphne, but she's a pretty terrible waitress so she deserves it.

-Tara is your annoying friend who talks about how much she doesn't drink at parties. 

-New character alert: Dr. Ludwig! 

She may be more badass than Eric...and more sexy.
-Bill is hanging around being completely unhelpful.

-Eric calls Pam and Chow in to search for the bull human. Is anyone else weirdly reminded of the Scooby Gang in Buffy?

-Pam Line of the Night: "He can do it. I'm wearing my favorite pumps."

-Jason has a sexy dream about Vampire Eddie and then tries to pray the gay away.

Just like regular Jesus camp. 
-Bill and Eric have a dick measuring contest. Unfortunately, it's not a literal one. 

-Bill talks to Sookie like she's a child. Yikes.

-Sadly Pam's pumps are ruined and the bull human has not been found. 

-"And Pam, those were great pumps."-Eric is such a better maker than Bill. 

RIP Pam's Pumps

-As much as I dislike all this Maryann stuff, I would love to be in that fruit paradise. 

-Tara eats this shit up like she's never had a friend before. I'm offended on Gran's behalf. 

-Sam is planning on heading out of town and is looking for someone to take over. Terry isn't his first choice. Fair enough.

-Terry calls Sam a coward. 

Fair enough.
-In some sort of support group, Sarah says that humans are just "living, breathing snack machine[s]" for vampires. I think of it more as those beer hats. 

-The support group is for vampire victims, but Jason is like the complete opposite of a vampire victim. 

-Sarah argues that a human wouldn't torture another human. It's too easy to mock. 

-Apparently Ginger made Sookie a "two top sandwich", not a "tube top sandwich."

I still wouldn't eat it.
-I think we should rename the "Wilhelm Scream" to the "Ginger Scream."

-Sookie finds Lafayette in the basement who asks, "Do I look like a vampire?" Sadly not.

-I bet Eggs is one of those guys who carries his guitar around everywhere and plays it even though no one asks him to.

-Tara looks quite pretty, but Eggs is so boring and we don't need another character with a sob story.

-I know we're suppose to dislike Eric, because he put Lafayette in the torture basement, but he's looking good in this scene. 

It's all that goddamn swagger.
-Bill is acting all pretentious about the whole thing like his vampire senses wouldn't have clued him in that there was a dying man in the basement.

-Eric does not respond well to threats, but doesn't really do anything when Sookie slaps him.

-Speaking of characters looking good, Sam looks hot when he's all concerned. 

Nice and understanding does look good on him.
-Arlene says that she owes Sookie. No shit.

-Sire of the Year has left Jessica all alone.

-Musical Moment of the Night: "Sex and Candy" by  Marcy Playground. Plays when Jessica enters the bar.

-I could fall for both Hoyt and Jessica at this moment.

-"You should try the chicken fried steak, because it's like a chicken and a steak got together made a baby. A delicious, crispy baby."-I've never had chicken fried steak before, but I want him to describe all my food to me. 

-Jessica comes right out and admits that she's a vampire. Good for her. 

This is just here, because she is adorable.
-Sookie thankfully pushes aside Bill's concern and negotiates a deal with Eric for her to go look for Godric and Lafayette to leave the torture dungeon. 

-"Perhaps I'll grow on you."
"I'd prefer cancer."-Boo Sookie!

This is just here, because he's adorable.
-Pam springs Lafayette and we all realize that these two should have their own show. 

-I'm pretty sure Bill carries Lafayette out like he's a baby.


-Jason uses his fork like I do when I'm trying to imitate Hannibal.

Spoiler, it does not look like this.
-Steve is talking about a metaphorical war, but Jason immediately turns around like the war is going on right outside. It's hilarious.

-Jason is going to get Sarah's banana pudding alright.

-Hoyt's got a doll collection in his closet. Jessica still wants him though.

-Jessica gets her fang boners and says, "I'd die if I wasn't already dead."

-Lafayette's vet uncle is going to stitch him up. Good luck with that.

-Lafayette leaves and Sookie and Bill talk about couple stuff while Bill's hair looks terrible. 

The make-up/hair department was busy making everyone else look good.
-Tara and Lafayette are in the hot tub when a "massage therapist" decides to give Eggs a "massage". Tara escapes in the comfiest looking towel ever.

-Tara starts to question everything around her. 

-Bill immediately over reacts to two people making out even though him and Sookie were about to do it on the front porch.

-Sam swims around naked in a lake and Daphne joins him. It's pretty awkward. 

-The audience sees the scratches (hey that's the name of the episode!) on Daphne's back.

*cue ominous music.

-So in the book, Maryann is known as Calisto and tells Sookie she's a maenad. Unfortunately, a lot of plot will be spent trying to figure out what Maryann is.

-Also in the books, the maenad scratches Sookie as a warning to Eric for him to give her tribute. The show suggests it's, because Sookie is trying to get Tara to move in with her.

-Eric tries to give Sookie his blood instead of Bill. He will succeed in a few episodes.

-Sarah says that she thinks her sister was killed by vamps. In a way she's right, because Amber is a vampire as we find out in the 7th season.

-Pam wants to keep Lafayette as a pet, but Eric says that Pam already has enough pets. If this is true we do not see a single one of them. 

Screencaps procured at Home of the Nutty.

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