Saturday, August 2, 2014

True Blood 1.06- "Cold Ground"

written by: Raelle Tucker
directed by: Nick Gomez

-Tina, the cat, is already assisting in the clean-up. If I saw that I'd give the cat away.

You nasty.
-Bill and Sam make there way into the house, not narrowing down the list of suspects any.


- Sookie can't control her telepathy at all right now.

-"Do you think you could apologise some other time?"

-You have to hand it to Sam, though. He doesn't even say anything when Sookie asks him to go get Bill instead.

-Bill accuses Sam of "marking his territory." It's all so painfully obvious.

-Sam then accuses Bill of being the reason Gran is dead. He's right.

-The story about the woman shooting her husband is a cautionary tale for anybody who tries to get between me and my tv.

-Andy is adorably proud of his vampire knowledge.

He's been studying all night.
-Bill realizes that all the murders could be connected to Sookie. What about Maudette's?

-I know Sookie just lost her Gran, but she's a little too smug when she tells Bill and Sam that they'll be watching over her.

-Sookie begins the first of many attempts to keep her house clean*.

Tina was doing a better job.
-Maxine Fortenberry is such a fake bitch.

-"You know, you really are smarter than anyone gives you credit for."-Arlene is me in every uncomfortable situation.

-Anna Paquin's finest moment:

Her Oscar winning performance in The Piano was just a warm up for this.
-Tara calls Maxine a "snooping old bitch". Lafayette elaborates, "if she talked any more shit she'd be shaped like a turd."

-Dr. Lafayette prescribes a Valium. Don't mind if I do!

-Jason makes everyone super awkward by not knowing Gran is dead.

-Apparently, Sookie has forgotten every reservation she's had with Bill, because he stayed at her house last night. Uh, so was Sam and he's at the house right now.

+1 Sam

-This happens:

He is literally slapping the sense into her.
-"You's a stupid bitch Jason Stackhouse."-We all have to agree as he hulks out and pushes Andy Bellefleur up against his truck.

-Tara proves why she's Sookie's best friend by kicking everyone out. Maxine gives her some major side eye.

We could all learn a thing or two from her.
-I don't understand. Is Sookie being strangled a dream?

-Bill once again proves that he's no Sam, by not being able to help Sookie in the daylight.

+2 Sam
-Lafayette says that Sookie is "dead to the world". It is a possible reference to the fourth book in the Sookie Stackhouse series. 

-Bill arrives hours too late if anything had happened to Sookie.

-Uncle Bartlett is clearly not welcome at the funeral. Another reason I will not be having a funeral. People who are going to pretend to be sad, but I really just hated their stupid faces.

-Musical moment of the night: Nathan Barr's score for Gran's funeral.

-I'm glad that we didn't really have to listen to all of Sookie's eulogy. We weren't terribly invested as Gran as a character and her death is just a really obvious plot device to get Bill and Sookie to bo-*ahem* make love.

-However, Lettie Mae did make a great speech. And no I'm not talking about when she calls AA a cult.

-Lettie Mae tries to convince Tara that her alcoholism is really just a demon inside of her.

She looks convinced!
-"I especially liked the part where you told the whole town to shut the fuck up."

-Sookie rejects Sam and luckily Tara is there to pick up the pieces.

-Sookie eats that motherfucking pie.

-Tara and Sam have funeral sex, but not before we learn that Lafayette has a camera in his bathroom. I know it takes all types, but I just can't imagine that being sexy.

-Sookie puts on a gown that looks like it should be on the cover of a romance novel.

Ten bucks says her bosom was described as "heaving" in the script.

-Having sex with Sam has led Tara to an epiphany. Unfortunately, that epiphany is to abandon Sam in her dodgy flat and help her mother instead.

-Honestly this is the most heartbreaking moment of the episode for me. In this short scene we see how unfulfilling and sad Jason's reliance on sex is.

-At Bill's the inevitable becomes evitable.


Quick note before the spoilers: This was not a great episode to recap. Not a lot happens and it's rather sad. I hope I did alright. At least next episode has Eric in it.

*This comment comes from Brian Juergens and Andy Swist's (at Camp Blood) insistence that True Blood is really just about a southern gal trying to keep a clean house.

-In the episode Bill calls his vampirism a condition. In the books the vampire's try to insist that they're vampires because of a disease (at least for awhile anyways). I don't remember if they ever try to make that argument on the show beyond this moment.

-Jason throws his phone when Sam calls him. Sookie will later throw her phone when someone is calling her. They're both dumb for it.

-Tara asks if anybody has gotten in touch with Sookie's cousin Hadley. We will later find out that Hadley is Queen Sophie-Ann's consort.

-This episode and another episode in the seventh season prove that Lettie Mae is actually a really good speaker at funerals.

As always screencaps procured from Home of the Nutty.

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