Wednesday, August 20, 2014

True Blood 2.10- "New World in My View"

written by: Kate Barnow and Elisabeth R. Finch
directed by: Adam Davidson

Real gods have horns.
-Apparently Sookie finds a vulnerable Eric sexy, because in her sexy times dream he's crying over the loss of Godric. 

-Sookie kisses his blood tears.

-Bye Eric! See you next episode!

-Sookie wakes up from her dream before the good stuff happens (doesn't it always happen like that?) and Jason knows what's up.

-Sookie had never been outside of Bon Temps before. It's a pretty sad statement. 

-Shit has gone on in Bon Temps. You can tell because of the sign. 

The "Bone" Temps gave me a little giggle.

-If I'm not mistaken the Meat Wicker Man was made out of real meat when they were filming.

-Maryann sends Carl after some more, fancier meat. Where is he getting the meat from? Who is paying for this?

-Andy says that people are pissing on the sidewalks. What the hell is wrong with the people of Bon Temps?

-Andy asks Sam what Maryann wants Sam for.

I can think of a few things I want him for.
-Of course Sam has cowboy boots.

-Arlene calls Sam and it's obviously a trap, but so far Sam has been really bad at avoiding those.

-It's night out and Jason is just getting around to calling the cops about the people the car hit.

-Maxine comes out with black eyes and Bill literally says, "what the devil?!" He's the worst.

-Hoyt tells Sookie that her house is basically Maryann's. She acts predictably pissed about it.

-Jason is ready to set the town right, but gets distracted by news of a new waitress at Merlotte's.

For once he's not implicated in a Merlotte's waitress murder.
-Apparently playing the Wii calms Maxine down. Is Wii paying for produce placement?

-Sam, of course, walks into a trap. For some reason Arlene says, "I know how much punctuality means to you."

-Sam and Andy run from the townspeople and shut themselves inside the dead body refrigerator. So they knew they were walking into a trap and this was the best plan they came up with.

-Jane goes to call Maryann, but instead gets distracted by a "for a good time call" number.

I'm surprised she didn't just call herself.
-Tara is not going softly into the night and Lettie Mae is falling for all her bullshit. What a susceptible family.

-"Jesus and I agreed to see other people."-Hallelujah.

-I feel for Sookie with the whole house situation. It's really fucked up. I know people who have had their homes destroyed along with most of their personal belongings and it is really devastating. Honestly, if I was Sookie I would have a hard time forgiving Tara.

-This episode should probably be named "The Episode of Unnecessary Flashbacks". I know not all the characters have caught up with everything, but that doesn't mean we need to see flashbacks from previous episodes. 

-Maryann screams "ravish me" to Bill.

Thankfully it does not happen.
-Okay guys this is going to be a spoiler, but really I can't think of anything to call what goes on with Sookie's hands "fairy lights". It's pretty lame.

-"Aren't you glad I didn't take your advice and quit drinking?"- We sure are Andy. You're a lot sassier when you drink.

-Andy says that Sam has been good to Bon Temps even if he is a nudist. It's because he flashes hit butt around that he's been good to Bon Temps.

-Jason shows up with a chainsaw. Is that really a great weapon?

It works against evil stereos. 
-People are licking mustard off a girl's legs. It is the most disgusting thing True Blood has ever aired.

-Did someone just throw a condom at Jason?

-Terry still proves to be amazing, even with possessed and doesn't let Arlene get herself killed.

-"We will unfuck this situation at a later date."

-Bill is throwing up like a sorority girl at her first frat party.

At least he's not doing it in the car.
-Bill is still being a little bitch about accepting help from Eric. Just because he wants your girlfriend doesn't mean he wants a maenad fucking shit up for him.

-How long has it been since Sam has changed his shirt?

-Sam just goes ahead and sacrifices himself while body surfing at the same time.

-"This has got to be the worst motherfucking intervention in history."

But it's a pretty solid house party.
-Some LSU student comes to buy some V, but Bill steps in and becomes all Bill about it. Maybe because the girl looked way too old to be taking V to stay up for finals.

-Sookie gets the "c" bomb dropped on her again. That's how we know Tara has gone to the dark side.

-Also can I get some of Sookie's sundresses?

With Pam's pumps?
-I'd worship Jason.

-For giving Jason Sam, the town will get "good weather and good crops." The joke is almost too smart to be coming out of Jason.

-"Smite me motherfucker!"

-Sam shifts and the town folk think he's been smote. Someone grabs his jeans and starts waving them around like the trophy they are.

-Sam comes out with an apron tied around his waist. Thankfully he turns around.

This is why I've stuck with True Blood after all these years.
-"That's the last drink I'll ever take."

-"If ever there was a time to listen to a white man Tara, this would be it."

-Sookie and Bill finally get through to Tara and the first thing she wants to do is rescue Eggs. Just leave him and his ridiculous nickname behind!

-Bill leaves because he thinks he knows somebody who might help. Well at least he's out of our hair.

-"I left everybody before and look what happened."

Bill's pretension is rubbing off on Sookie.
-Bill tells Sookie to stay away from her house. So how long before she heads to her house?

-Maxine calls Jessica a "devil slut" and says that Hoyt has a "penguin dick." I don't even want to know what that means.

-Jessica bites Maxine which she totally deserves.


-Musical Moment of the Night: "New World in My View" by King Britt. It plays during the credits and is the name of the episode.
-Eric is getting Lafayette to sell V, because the Queen is making him do it because she's broke.

-It's not really a spoiler, but why would the Queen specifically know about maenads? It's never really explained. 

Screencaps procured at Home of the Nutty.

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