Wednesday, August 20, 2014

True Blood 2.09- "I Will Rise Up"

written by: Nancy Oliver
directed by: Scott Winant

It's creepy if I photoshop my head in, right?

-For the first time, we actually go back a little before the last episode ended, because what happened before a bomb went off is definitely more interesting than the bomb going off.

-Bill and Lorena talk. See previous comment.

-Boom goes the dynamite and, unfortunately, Bill is well enough to chase after the guys who brought Luke to the house.


-Eric landed on top of Sookie and she complains that he "weighs a ton." Why is she complaining if Eric's on top of her?

-Jason gives a thumbs up that he's ok.

And a finger gun!
-I don't think Sookie made the best choice wearing a white coat to a vampire party.

-So Eric is pretty skeezy for tricking Sookie into sucking the bullet out, but, honestly, if Sookie were a regular woman she would want to put her mouth on Eric's chest without a reason.

Spoiler, this recap is going to have a lot of Eric pictures.
-Aw, Luke's honesty ring is still intact.

-Bill realizes he's been bested. 

Bill does have the best reaction faces.
-It only took 5 minutes for Sookie to run to Bill's arms!

-There's a whole back and forth about Eric being able to sense Sookie's emotions and she's obviously really pissed. I'll admit it, Eric sounds really childish during the whole thing.

-So who's more inappropriately hot when covered in blood: Eric or Hannibal?

Also who's deadlier?
-Sookie is lamenting falling for Eric's tricks and the fact that he can now sense her emotions. Um she's a telepath. How does she think people feel about her?

-Sookie claims that it's impossible to be sexually attracted to Eric. I can't even...

Because Bill just screams sexual attraction.
-Yay Hoyt for being pro-sex, but not in a creepy way.

-Hoyt says that Jessica has never laughed at him. It's probably because they've only known each other a few days.

-Hoyt wants to sleep with Jessica in her cubbyhole. Seriously, what is wrong with these humans that they keep wanting to sleep in dirt?

-Apparently acid is just floating around Sookie's house. Can't wait til she gets back.

-Maryann becomes all indignant about people not enjoying being beaten up. I can't wait til she gets beaten up.

-Tara says she's a blackout expert. Apparently, she's not an expert on knowing when to get the fuck out of a situation though. 

Spoiler, it's before you wake up covered in bruises.
-As Bud keeps bringing more people into the clinker, Jane says there's no law against losing pants. Thank god.

-Sookie and Jason finally have a sit down and clear some stuff up. It's definitely necessary, but it's also weirdly sexy. 

Save those bedroom eyes for later.
-Jason knows that people like his "sex abilities." Nothing like a humble man. 

-Sookie says that Jason's not dumb, just lazy. Eh there's some dumb there. 

-Steve and Sarah are having a go against Nan on tv. Steve has a mark on his forehead where the paintball hit him.

The Fellowship of the Sun's version of a stigmata.
-"I hate your hair."-You take that back!!

-Some lady brought her camera to Merlotte's to take a picture of the refrigerator that Daphne's body was found in. Bon Temps really needs a cinema or something.

-Arlene hated Daphne, but she "wouldn't wish that kind of death on a possum." Did Daphne also carry lerprosy?

-"I'll look out for you if you look out for me."-Don't worry Lafayette I'll look out for you.

-Is anybody else weirdly reminded of Veronica confronting Duncan about raping her, when Terry and Arlene talk?

-Arlene tries to make a sexy face, but her make-up is a mess.

-At least she's not trying to pull off a sexy wink.
-Lafayette sees Tara's bruises and rightly assumes that Eggs did it. He isn't about to let that shit fly.

-Eggs makes me hate him even more by telling Lafayette that he "might want to take those eyelashes out" and the hits Tara. Fuck you Eggs.

-I know it's bad to say, because I love my grandmother, but Maxine kind of reminds me of her and not because they're both Southern.

-Here's the list of things Maxine hates: Methodists, Catholics, African-Americans (shh! it's a secret!), people who don't take care of their gardens, people who park their cars on the lawn, women in red shoes, families with lots of children, checkered curtains, cats, dogs, and every girl Hoyt has liked. 

Hater gonna hate.
-Hoyt's dramatic exit is slightly marred by yelling at his momma that he's a "grown ass man."

-Oh this scene. 5 years later and it's still one of my favorites.

Like I even need to explain why.
-I like that we get to see Eric as playful. While he's pretty cheeky in the books, it takes awhile for that to happen in the show and not to the same extent. 

-"Trade the sun for moon and stars."- He could talk me into becoming a vampire, but let's be honest he could talk me into doing a lot of things.

-Don't you fuck this up for me Lorena!

-Screw it. Here's the whole scene.

-Sookie wakes up next to Bill. That's what I call a rude awakening (zing!)

-Maryann comes to get Sam, but he turns into a fly and flies away (I'm on fire!). Instead she releases everybody else. Hopefully somebody gets Jane some pants.

-Jessica is meeting Maxine and Maxine seems to be the only person impervious to her charms. 

-Jess stands up for herself when Maxine calls her out for being a vamp. Someone made her one against her will.

Nobody made Maxine a bitch against her will.
-Shockingly, the meet and great ends badly when Maxine brings up that Jess can't have children. It appears that Maxine does not hate making terrible first impressions.

-Apparently Tara and Egg's resolution to be sober lasts as long as everybody else's resolutions.

I didn't even know it was possible to do angry body shots. 
-The calvary, Lafayette and Lettie Mae, come to save Tara. Nobody appreciates it.

-Tara wails, "EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEGGS" as she's being dragged off. Not the best last words.

-Finally, Nan in the flesh! It's as glorious as I dreamed it would be.

-Seriously, was Anna Paquin's only acting direction during this episode "give everybody bedroom eyes?"

At least she's finally pointing them at the right person.
-Apparently Godric just offered himself up to the Fellowship of the Sun. There's that mystery solved rather anticlimactically.

-Even less anticlimactic Godric accepts his punishment humbly. 

-Eric calls Nan a "cold bitch". That's coming from a thousand year old viking who recently had a man chained in his night club's torture basement.

At least the Skarsbrow is fighting for Godric.
-Eric claims that Nan doesn't have the power to dethrone him; "Hey I'm on tv. Try me."

-Maryann comes looking for Sam. Why did she go to Sookie's house before looking for Sam?

-Is Dirty Jobs still on?

-I didn't think it was possible, but it appears that Godric is a more self-loathing vampire than Bill. At least he's got some cool tattoos.

-Bill wants to confront Eric about tricking Sookie and he looks like he can care less about the whole thing, even after being punched in the face. 

Bill, however, looks like he's just been punched in the face. 
-Sookie says that she wants to go see Godric on the roof and Bill asks, "don't you think we've done enough for Dallas?" He's got a point.

-Godric has decided he's going to meet the sun no matter what anybody says. This is also one of my favorite scenes in the series.

-Eric says he'll forcibly stop Godric from meeting the sun; "Why would you be so cruel?"

Eric's not the only one crying at this point.
-Godric sends Eric off and now it's just Godric and Sookie. She asks him if he's very afraid and I'm reminded of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows when Harry uses the resurrection stone in the forest.

-Godric meets the sun and is hopefully gone before he realizes how shitty the special effects are.

That's why he has his eyes closed.

-Musical Moment of the Night: "I Will Rise Up" by Lyle Lovett. It plays during the end credits and is the name of the episode.

-I realized that I forgot to talk about some of the differences between the books and movie with this season. In the books Godric is not Eric's maker, it's some asshole Roman. Jason never goes to the Fellowship of the Sun, but most of the other differences with the Dallas storyline are pretty minor.

-In the books Bill leaves Sookie after the bombing to hunt after the Fellowship people, but he does so without letting her know, because Bill is more of an asshole in the books.

-This will be mentioned in the following episodes, but Bill also tricked Sookie into taking his blood by making the Rattray's almost kill Sookie.

-Godric kills himself as a way to fix things. While the final episode hasn't aired yet, it seems like Bill is doing this in the 7th season. 

-Eric doesn't want Godric to die alone. In the third season, Russell will lament that he let Talbot die alone.

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