Saturday, August 23, 2014

True Blood 3.01- "Bad Blood"

written by: Brian Buckner
directed by Daniel Minahan

Will these two just make out already?
-Bill is still gone (yay)!

-"Fucking vampires! It's always nothing but shit"

-I'll forgive this flashback even though it's from a previous episode, because the episode happened a year before, however, it was on the previously on.

-Why hasn't anyone taken Tara way from Eggs' body?

-Jessica brought a guest home.

For dinner (ha ha.)
-Bill's been kidnapped by the "Fuck You Crew", which sounds more like a motorcycle gang to me.


-Kenya is working those new bangs.

The only competent member of the Bon Temps police force.
-Kenya presents a pretty likely scenario to Sookie: Bill got mad and left. Unfortunately, he'd never do anything that convenient. 

-Just a side note, there is no waiting period for a missing person. It's a weird lie that keeps being told on tv.

-Andy told everyone that he killed Eggs instead of Jason and, of course, Terry is there with the best support: "you are still a man that is capable of goodness and of heartbreak and generosity of spirit." Thank goodness we get to see more Terry in this season.

Nothing snarky to add here.
-Bud is questioning Arlene about what happened and Tara isn't having any of it. As Arlene puts it, "I'm sorry you fell in love with a serial killer, all right? But honestly, who here hasn't?"

-Jessica tells the trucker that she can't bring him to the hospital. It's called dropping him off and it works for prom babies.

-The trucker's last words are "you're a fucking whore." I hope if I'm murdered my last words will be just as spiteful.

-Patrick Swayze's brother is one of the Fuck You Crew that kidnapped Bill.

Let's hope nobody starts ghosting.
-"That's gay."
"And playing with your titties in a car full of dudes ain't."- It's been too long since we've seen a character on V-juice.

-Andy comes in through Jason's window (not like that) to make sure Jason gets his story straight, because Andy's has plenty of holes in, like delicious Swiss cheese.

-Andy tells Jason to get back to his regular life which is "conscience off, dick on." That was my motto in college!

-Fangtasia plays really loud screaming music. As big of a fangbanger as I'd be, I'm not sure I could handle Fangtasia.

-Sookie tells Pam that she's in "no mood for lesbian weirdness."

Uh, don't speak for everybody Sookie.
-Pam "tries" to stop Sookie, in the same why that "try" not to drink. Which is to say, not at all.

-"Holy s."

For once I agree with Sookie.
-Sookie accuses Eric of kidnapping Bill, but Eric denies it. He's been busy with sex the whole night. Only Sookie doubts this.

-"Is Bill's stamina not up to snuff?"- There is so much about Bill that is not up to snuff.

His abs, for instance. 
-Bill finally becomes a badass and crashes the car.

-Lafayette gives Tara some tequila and klonopin. Don't mind if I do!

-Sookie tells Tara that she gave Eggs back his memories. He's dead Sookie, he's not going to tell on you!

-Tara attacks Sookie.

I don't think the drugs are working.
-Eric is on the phone with another vampire trying to figure out where Bill is. What was Eric going to do to Bill?

-Pam brings up some good points about the Queen needing to know what's up.

-I'm not sure how turned on I should be by this sex scene. On the one hand, topless Sam. On the other, topless Bill.

On the other, very suggestive dialogue.
-"I hear the water in Arkansas is very hard."- I've definitely used that line before.

-The lady on the phone calls Sam "Sam Merlot" and has no idea what privacy means.

-Hoyt threatens to stick a branch up Jason's butt. Time for another Community reference. 

-"You want to really fuck somebody's life up? Tell the truth about them."-Jason is not as dumb as he seems.

-Hoyt is being really obvious about moving in with Jason, and Jason is being really oblivious about it.

He can't always be on point.
-Lafayette gets Lettie Mae over to make sure Tara doesn't try to kill herself. He's still not over the whole, pointing a gun in his face, thing.

-"Bitch, you/me bridge, ain't never gonna motherfucking happen."

Unless it's a bridge to push Lettie Mae off.
-Sookie threatens Bud to send the search out for Bill. He's as interested as I am in doing that.

-Sam goes to a repair shop and tries to bond with his possibly brother by complimenting the tires. He's as bad as me trying to flirt with men.

-Tara's been surprised sermoned! It happens more than you would think in the south.

-Bill slept in the ground and managed not to have gross sex with anybody afterwards.

-Hoyt calls Jessica and goes on about his haircut while Jessica rudely interrupts.

It does make him look badass though.
-The Magister and Queen rudely interrupt Yvetta's dance to declare that Shreveport is the V capitol. I'm sure that's the only time Shreveport has been first in anything.

-I like how the vampires act like they're in a sermon whenever vampire blood is mentioned. 

The only thing I worship is Eric on a throne.

-Arlene sniffs the food. I'd send that back, but instead Arlene realizes she's pregnant.

-Jason asks Hoyt where he's been. Hoyt responds that he's been crying. Like the thoughtful person Jason is, he just tells Hoyt to shut up.

-Someone named their child Missy. Gross.

-Jason manages to get some ladies to go home with that and when Hoyt complains Jason argues, "There's a certain amount of pussy overflow you just have to get used to dealing with."

Andy can't wait to use that line.
-The Queen calls the Magister dull. Let's reverse those roles.

-The Queen threatens Eric by touching him in a bathing suite area. I'll have to try that next time.

-"Let [Bill] rot."-Hear, hear!

-Pam comes to drop off Sookie's check and it makes me wish that the show kept up Pam and Sookie's friendship that was in the books. TV Sookie doesn't really have/keep that many friends and Pam always has the best humour. 

And clothes.
-"Ill say you sounded more appreciative than that."

-Terry calls Arlene peculiar. Keep on keeping on Terry.

-Pam visits Lafayette (while still not staying in the walk in refrigerator) and demands that he move tout de suite. 

-Pam Line of the Night: "You pickin' up, what I'm puttin' down?"

-What a coincidence! Jessica was "called" by Bill for the first time on the same night Sookie learned that vampires could do that!

"Coincidence is a pimp and a cardsharper in ordinary fiction."Source
-Bill attacks a little old lady, but pays her so I guess it's ok?

-Lettie Mae wants to bone the reverend while Tara tries to kill herself. 

-Sam just casually stalks his maybe brother to his maybe family's house.

To maybe find love.
-Jason tries to get his "dick on" with the girls, but ends up seeing bullet holes in their heads. Guess he didn't turn his conscience off first.

-Hoyt cheerfully tells the ladies, offscreen, "It was real nice meeting y'all." At least someone in that house has manners. 

-Sookie and Jessica reenact some Buffy and search for the meaning of a brand. It's "operation werewolf."

-Bill faces off against a bunch of wolves and it should look frighting, but it doesn't.

I don't know what I hate more: werewolves or Bill.

-Musical Moment for the Night: "Bad Blood" by Beck. Like a lot of my musical moments for the third season, it plays during the credits and is the title of the episode.

Hey look at that! No spoilers for this episode. How about you use the time you'd take reading the spoilers to leave a comment?

So I figure I should give a fair warning just in case this happens, but tomorrow night is the series finale of True Blood. It could be glorious, it'll probably just be ok, or I could hate it with a passion. There is a small chance that I'll hate it so much that I won't want to continue rewatching & recapping the show. Hopefully, it won't happen, but if it does at least there will be weekly Doctor Who recapage.

Home of the Nutty is going to disappoint me real soon when it comes to screencaps, but for now they're the best.

TwitterFacebook and Tumblr. 'Nuff said.

Friday, August 22, 2014

Doctor Who- My Picks

Tomorrow night the eighth series of Doctor Who begins with Peter Capaldi taking over the titular role. Like most Americans I began watching the show in 2010 when it was finally airing on BBC America, though I had seen a few episodes before that. For the most part, I hate things that take place in space. Maybe it was an overexposure to Star Wars at a young age, but I tend to skip anything that involves spaceships. Luckily, the Doctor and his companions don't spend that much time in the TARDIS and the planets look suspiciously like places in Wales.

What a strange new world!
For the most part, I've loved Doctor Who though the seventh series and the two specials that followed it made me realize that the Doctor and I needed a break. However, this post is to list my favorite episodes of each season of the Doctor Who reboot, so let's have at it!

"Boom Town" (1.11)

written by: Russell T. Davies
directed by: Joe Ahearne
What it's about:
The Doctor, Rose and Jack stop in Cardiff to refuel the Tardis. While there they discover an old nemesis, Margaret Blaine (Blon Fel-Fotch Passameer-Day Slitheen), is trying to build a nuclear reactor that will create enough energy for her to return to her home planet, Raxacoricofallapotorian. Also Mickey is there.

Why I like it:
A lot of my favorite episodes (as you'll see), deal with the implications of being a Time Lord and time travel in general. This episode, along with "Father's Day", were the first episodes in the reboot to show the downside to travelling through time and space. Rose can't keep up her relationship with Mickey, who is always having to say goodbye to her and we learn that being a Time Lord means making some tough choices that not everyone can live with...literally. This exchange between the Doctor and Margaret sums it up for me nicely:

"You let one go, but that's nothing new. Every now and then, a little victim's spared...that's how you live with yourself. That's how you slaughter millions. Because once in a while, on a whim, if the wind's in the right direction, you happen to be kind."
"Only a killer would know that. Is that right? From what I've seen, your funny little happy-go-lucky little life leaves devastation in it's wake. Always moving on, because you dare not go back. Playing with so many people's lives- you might as well be a god." 

Best bit:
"She's climbing out the window isn't she?"

Runner Up: "Rose" (1.01)
written by: Russell T. Davies
directed by: Keith Boak
Why I like it: 
I have a thing for first episodes. When I taught a class on Buffy the Vampire Slayer, I would show the first and the last episodes on the first day of class. If you don't get nostalgic watching "Rose", you're a monster.

"Love and Monsters" (2.10)
written by: Russell T Davies
directed by: Euros Lyn
What it's about:
Elton Pope is a Regular Joe who is obsessed with the Doctor after encountering him in his childhood. He, along with a band of loveable misfits, come together to try and track down the Doctor. Unfortunately, the group gets infiltrated by a baddie and Elton learns what's really important to him.

Why I love it:
This was the first episode of Doctor Who that I ever watched, so it will always be special to me. This is also another episode that explores how the Doctor negatively affects people. While the monster is a bit stupid (some kid won a contest), Elton's a rather sweet guy who comforts Jackie and sticks up for others. Also there is a Scooby Doo-esque chase scene.

Best bit:
All the glorious ELO.

Runner Up: "School Reunion" (2.03)
written by: Toby Whithouse
directed by: James Hawes
Why I like it: Sarah Jane! Anthony Stewart Head! Cheap shots at Mickey!

"Human Nature"/"Family of Blood" (3.08-9)
written by: Paul Cornell
directed by: Charles Palmer
What they're about:
In order to hide from the Family of Blood, the Doctor hides his Time Lord-ness, which makes him. believe that he's human, and travels to 1913. Martha, who knows the truth, and The Doctor find employment at a boarding school, but soon the Family of Blood realize that the Doctor is hiding somewhere at the school. The Doctor has to make the choice to remain human and lose his love or unleash his Time Lord-ness and defeat the Family of Blood. 

Why I like them:
Yes, I cheated by including both episodes, but it's my list so suck it. Also I'm sure you were probably expecting "Blink". Maybe once upon a time, but The Weeping Angels have been done to death. In this two parter we see the two extremes of the Doctor: a gentle man who is capable of romantically loving somebody and a man who will go to the ends of the world to exact revenge. When the Doctor, as John Smith, asks what sort of man the Doctor is it's heartbreaking. 

Best bit:
"We wanted to live forever. So the Doctor made sure we did."

Runner Up: "Smith and Jones" (3.01)
written by: Russell T. Davies
directed by: Charles Palmer
Why I like it:
Martha's usually at the bottom of the list when it comes to favorite companions, but you can't deny it; the girl was smart. This episode is a nice mix of humor and drama that isn't seen in all the episodes in the third season.

"Partners in Crime" (4.01)
written by: Russell T. Davies
directed by: James Strong
What it's about:
Donna, who we last saw in "The Runaway Bride", has regretted not taking the Doctor up on his offer for her to become his companion. She begins investigating a company that promises suspiciously unbelievable weight loss and to her delight, the Doctor is too.

Why I like it:
I don't just like this episode, I love it. Donna is my favorite companion and the biggest problem with the fourth season is that Donna does not get enough alone time with The Doctor (not that way). This episode, however, has plenty of Doctor/Donna time. The Adipose are delightfully cute and there is some seriously great physical comedy. 

Best bit:
The entire window sequence.


Runner Up: "Midnight" (4.10)
written by: Russell T. Davies
directed by: Alice Troughton
Why I like it:
Forget "Blink", this is the scariest episode of Doctor Who, because the alien is no where near as monstrous as the humans.

"The Waters of Mars"
written by: Russell T. Davies & Phil Ford
directed by: Graeme Harper
What it's about:
The Doctor travels to Mars to check in on the first colony. While he's there, however, the water spreads an alien life force that infects the crew one by one.

Why I like it:
This episode should just be called "The Doctor's Hubris", because this episode leads to the Doctor's downfall. It's beautiful and tragic and Lindsay Duncan is great. 

Best bit:
Adelaide's decision to sacrifice herself for her granddaughter's future.

Runner Up: "The End of Time: Part 2"
written by: Russell T. Davies
directed by: Euros Lyn
Why I like it:
It seems like fan's are divided over the last 30 minutes of Tennat's reign. I'm not. I needed that time (and more) to say goodbye to my first, and favorite, Doctor.

"Vincent and the Doctor" (5.10)
written by: Richard Curtis
directed by: Jonny Campbell
What it's about:
The Doctor and Amy travel back in time to meet Vincent van Gogh whose town is being spooked by an invisible monster.

Why I like it:
To me time travel narratives are all about inevitability (and thus why I hate "Day of the Doctors" and "The Time of the Doctor") and no episodes brings that home quite like "Vincent and the Doctor" which is directed by celebrated British director Richard Curtis. The episode shows us that even in someone's darkest times they are still capable of creating overwhelming beauty.

Best bit:
Vincent seeing all of his works in the museum. 

Runner Up: "Flesh and Stone" (5.06)
written by: Steven Moffat
directed by: Adam Smith
Why I like it:
I hated Matt Smith with a passion when he first started as the Doctor, mainly because he wasn't David Tennant (so few people are). This is the episode where I realized that Matt Smith would be a good Doctor. 

"The Girl Who Waited" (6.10)
written by: Tom MacRae
directed by: Nick Hurran
What it's about:
Amy gets separated from the Doctor and Rory on a planet suffering from a plague. Amy ends up in a different time line and 36 years have passed for her when Rory finally finds her. 

Why I like it:
Rory has always been the strongest member of trio and this episode proves why. Rory is unwilling to leave the older Amy behind even though that means he will lose present day Amy (for lack of a better term.) Also Amy grows up to spite the Doctor which I think is a fear the Doctor has about all of his companions.

Best bit:
"I don't care that you got old. I care that we didn't grow old together." And the Rory bot.

Runner Up: "The Doctor's Wife" (6.04)
written by: Neil Gaiman
directed by: Richard Clark
Why I like it:
The TARDIS is the Doctor's oldest companion and it's great to see a human relationship between the two, even if it is brief. Also Neil Gaiman wrote it!

"Asylum of the Dalek's" (7.01)
written by: Steven Moffat
directed by: Nick Hurran
What it's about:
The Doctor, Amy, and Rory must destroy a planet that carries all of the Dalek's too crazy to be with the other Dalek's. Amy and Rory, however, have divorced since the last season. The group gets help from a girl named Clara who crashed on the planet years ago. 

Why I like it:
This episode was a great introduction to Clara. Unfortunately, it set her up too much and now I find her to be the dullest companion ever. However, this episode had great visuals, Amy and Rory's marriage gets saved, and we realize that Amy and Rory can't travel with the Doctor forever.

Best bit:
The Dalek's asking "Doctor Who" over and over.

Runner Up: "Hide" (7.09)
written by: Neil Cross
directed by: Jamie Payne
Why I like it:
It's a love story with monsters. That's like 90% of what I watch on tv.

Wait, no Christmas episodes? 
I couldn't pick a favorite so I didn't!

Did I miss one of your favorites? Let me know in the comments!

True Blood 2.12- "Beyond Here Lies Nothin'"

written by: Alexander Woo
directed by: Michael Cuesta

Where did he imprint on that bull?
-Spoiler, that egg doesn't mean shit.

-"Take off your clothes."-That's probably the first time Lafayette's ever said that to a woman. 

-Maryann continues to destroy Sookie's memories of her home by wearing Gran's wedding dress. At least Sookie gets to be the maid of honor? 

Where are all these white dresses coming from?

-Jane, Tara, and Arlene make up the combination of "old, new, and blue."

Yes, but which is which?
-"And those are my Jane Bodehouse."

-Maryann wants the (spoiler) fairylights and Sookie tries; "That's hitting me." Who knows Maryann has jokes?

-Guys, did you know Sookie is a waitress?

-Hoyt has rube goldberg-ed himself an alarm in case Maxine leaves. 

With yarn!
-For his troubles Maxine calls him Norman Bates. 

-Blah, blah, god stuff, blah, blah.

-Maryann calls Sam the ideal wedding gift. 

Hear, hear.
-Maryann has a lot more faith in Sookie and Sam's relationship if she thinks Sookie's the reason Sam will come a-runing to her.

-Eric is sporting some serious heavage.

Something's got to get me through all this yahtzee talk.
-It's weird seeing Eric be so humble. Go back to being a badass!

-Is "gospel or gorilla shit" a real saying or just one of those things Southern people say and act like everybody knows what they're talking about.

-Eric is stronger and older than Sophie Anne. Why isn't he King of Louisiana then?

-Eric sucks at yahtzee. I'm sure he makes up for that in other areas. 

See you next season Eric!
-Jason continues to be really terrible at quoting things; "I love the smell of nail polish in the morning."

-Oops, I messed up with my last recap, Jason and Andy become "zombies" in this episode, not the last. It becomes even more pointless.

-Bill wanted to glamour Arlene's children. There are some very interesting moral implications behind this.

-I honestly believe that Sam would sacrifice himself.

For the town, not just Sookie no matter how much she needs to believe that.
-"What's with the egg? Did you lay it?"

That would be the most interesting thing she's done all season.
-Lafayette gets to be a bridesmaid too.

-Everything is coming to a head with the meat man and the god who comes; "Worship him bitches!"

-Maryann gives us some Greek history and it's as interesting as it sounds. 

-Ok, who got to unbutton Sam's shirt?

I call dibs for next time!
-Eggs stabs Sam. Just when I thought I couldn't hate him more.

-Sookie takes the time to admonishes the townspeople while Sam is bleeding out. Ugh.

-Maryann's death gives a new meaning to the phrase bull riding (zing!) But seriously, she got a great death for such an annoying character.

"Somewhere out there Tim Burton just got a boner."-Source
-Oh look Bill did something shitty, but still gets to be the good guy. This won't get old.

-"Get everyone off my lawn."-Sookie just became an old lady.

-The truth finally catches up with Maxine and we all have to agree when Hoyt says, "I wish that Jessica had finished you off."

-Everyone is confused as to why the climax happened halfway through the episode...I mean as to why they're at Sookie's.

-Bud decides to reinstate Andy because he "might have [his] faults, but at least [he's] got pants on."

Having pants on is a fault in my book.
-A doe passes by and Sam misses Daphne. Why? She wanted to murder the fuck out of him.

-Eggs is not handling what might or might not have happened well. Why can't he be like the rest of us and just chalk up blood on our hands to the best night ever that you can't remember?

-Hey there's Charlaine Harris, the author of the Sookie Stackhouse books. 

Hey, here's me and Charlaine Harris. I miss that skirt.
-Arlene is making up for being a shitty mom by giving her kids lots of food. Food is comfort.

-"Yep I'm pretty sure he's dead."

-Those two gossipy cows are back to let the audience know that the town doesn't know what's up, however, I have to agree with the lady who says, "I'll wear [Sam] like a scrunchie."

-"Everybody been acting so crazy I forgot how stupid they were."

And I forgot how beautiful Lafayette's side eye is.
-Jason and Andy are talking about how they saved the town, but they didn't do shit..

-"If a tree falls in the woods, it's still a tree ain't it?"

-Bill sends Sookie a present, a dress for her to wear. That's not controlling at all. 

Anyone else shocked he didn't write this in cursive?
-Eggs wants his memories back, but I'd pay to have my memories of the Maryann storyline removed.

-Sookie decides to give Eggs his memories, because we have to get him out of the show somehow. One of the memories is Maryann and Eggs killing Miss Jeanette in the woods him and Tara found. Shouldn't Tara have recognized the woods though?

-Bill is accosting Jessica on her way out like the only thing he knows about fathers is 60s television sitcoms.

-Sam has an impressive array of belt buckles.

I hope you guys never get tired of me sexualizing Sam Trammell.
-"Never say never when there's the internet."-Amen.

-Sam wants to know where his birth family is and says he's not at his foster family for an apology. Apparently, he's there to make them feel like shit though.

-I want those dying old man's pillows.

"Brighter than sunflowers."-Source
-Hoyt realizes what a mistake he's made and brings flowers to Jessica. Shockingly, she lied to Bill though so she's no where to be seen.

-Just kidding she's at a truck stop being a vampire lot lizard! 

I've always wanted to use the phrase "lot lizard".
-I've never understood the concept of converting old houses into restaurants. Much like different foods on my plate, I don't need the lines of house and restaurant to mix.

-I'll be honest. It looks like it would be a lot of fun to dance with Bill.

Tell no one.
-Eggs is even stupider than I thought he was, coming after Andy with a knife in his hands. He's black, cops don't need any more of a reason to shoot him!

-Oh Jason.

-Ugh Tara.

-Bill proposes to Sookie. They've known each other a month and he's over 100 years old. I think he can wait a little longer to pop the question.

-Sookie goes to the bathroom to make up her mind. All the best decisions are made in the toilet. 

-Bill is kidnapped and hopefully it's not by the Fellowship of the Sun.

And hopefully he'll stay gone.

-Musical Moment of the Night: "Beyond Here Lies Nothin'" by Bob Dylan. Plays during the closing credits.

So there's the second season of True Blood. I really loved the Dallas plot, but the Maryann plot really brought down the second season. Luckily, the third season is better and has some really great characters: Russell, Talbot, Franklin. 

Just a keep note about what'll be going on with the blog this weekend. Tomorrow/today I'll be posting my favorite episodes of each season of new Doctor Who. I'll begin recapping the third season of True Blood and Sunday (hopefully) I'll begin recapping the eighth season of Doctor Who as it airs.

-I don't understand why Jason fell under Maryann's spell. Unless it has to do with Warlow then I'll have to wait to not be confused, because I don't remember much of that season. 

-Sam's foster mom says that his birth family are bad people. They are. He should really listen to her.

-In case you're wondering how the Maryann thing goes down in the books, Maryann is called Callisto and does scratch Sookie. However, she does fuck all while everyone is in Dallas. When Sookie gets back from Dallas she is investigating who killed Lafayette and figures that a group of people who have an orgy knows what's up. She gets invited and brings Eric along because Bill is out of town and why wouldn't you bring Eric to an orgy? Eric wears pink lycra. So she goes to the orgy (that Tara and Eggs are attending) and figures out that they're all responsible for Lafayette's death. Callisto comes because sex and death is her thing and kills everybody but Tara then she leaves. I prefer the book's version.

Here's an Eric .gif for sticking through that.
Home of the Nutty helps makes these recaps possible even if they don't know it.

You can follow the blog on TwitterFacebook, and Tumblr.

Leave a comment if you have any changes you'd like to see for the third season recaps!