Wednesday, July 30, 2014

What's On Tonight?

So what is this?

This is a website that recaps television shows. Hopefully, in a humorous way.

But why?

Well in my infinite wisdom I decided to spend five years of my life and tens of thousands of dollars on two film and television studies degrees. I don't want to hide that talent in a bushel.

So it's going to be academic?

Not particularly. I may get a little insightful, but really I just want to force my opinion of tv shows down your throat...with your consent of course.

What are you recapping?

I'll be recapping the television shows that I want to watch. During the fall/spring season this will include shows such as The Mindy Project, Community, Hannibal, etc. which are currently on the air. I will also be recapping shows that I am rewatching, which is the case for the first show: True Blood. The final category is shows that I'll be watching for the first time, but are not currently on the air like Orphan Black.

Are you beginning from the beginning?

Hard to say. For the shows I'm rewatching, I will begin from the beginning (re: True Blood). For shows such as Parks and Recreation or Doctor Who, I will recap as they air and hopefully go back and recap from the beginning.

Do I need to watch the episodes before I read your recap?

Yes. I'm bullet pointing my stream of conscienceness while the episode is going on. I won't really be setting up the scene besides including pictures and/or .gifs.


Spoilers. However, I will leave spoilers for the end. Of course, spoilers only apply for rewatched shows. I won't and don't read/post spoilers for shows currently on the air. Please don't post spoilers in the comments!

Anything else?


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