Directed by: Scott Winant
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Nothing to see here. |
-We begin where we left off (which will be the case for almost every episode of True Blood). Sookie is getting beaten to death by the cool-headed Rattray's.
-Before we go any further I have to let you all know that part of this episode's description on my dvd was "Bill joins Sookie for a nocturnal sojourn". Some English lit. major wrote that shit.
-Bill swoops in to save the night by proving that you can fight violence with violence.
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Conflict resolution! |
-Bud and Andy are making Jason watch the sex tape Maudette made. Is this more or less awkward than your parents walking in on you watching porn? Comments appreciated!
-And thus begins my love/hate relationship of True Blood's use of flashbacks. We don't need a flashback to the previous episode. We were there last week!
-Ryan Kwanten is perfectly able to capture Jason's thought process with his facial expressions.
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"And now I'm confused." |
-"I'm not that smart!"-no, but you are that pretty.
-Musical moment: Nathan Barr's leitmotif for Sookie and Bill. It will be played ad nauseam.
-Sookie must drink Bill's blood to stay alive. Is anybody else reminded of Voldemort having to drink unicorn's blood to stay alive? *see spoilers at the bottom for more on this!
-We see Tara's mom who was mentioned as an alcoholic in the previous episode. No further characterisation is needed at the moment.
-Lafayette's ringtone: "pick up the phone biatch."
-Good lord. Two spoonfuls of sugar on her Lucky Charms?!
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Clearly this family has a problem with addiction. |
-"Your standards are so low you always get lucky."
-Jason goes over to Dawn's after the investigation for
-Sookie wakes up to Bill licking her wounds. He didn't even buy her dinner first.
-Bill informs Sookie that she's different and she eats that stuff up like a teenage girl who's told that she's pretty by a boy for the first time. I don't think this is an unfair analogy of their relationship so far.
-True Blood makes me take back the bad things I've said about their flashbacks by providing flashbacks of Sookie on various dates. One man thinks that liking Sookie will make it so that he no longer thinks about Jake Gyllenhaal in Jarhead. Good luck with that.
-However, I did find Sookie squeezing mustard onto the guy an overreaction. I mean it's not like he said that stuff out loud, so he's got some kind of filter at least.
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This caption will not be funnier than this freeze frame. |
-One of the party guests says "alright, alright, alright" and the only thing I can think of is Outkast's "Hey Ya!"
-"You can ask any one of these...honeys."-what a delicious pause.
-Tara takes the cake for coming up with an excuse for guys to stop hitting on you: her husband is an assassin.
-Said husband "shot one guy in the nuts for buying me a CD". To be fair this has nothing to do with jealousy and everything to do with the fact that CDs are a dead medium.
-Let's check in on Jason and Dawn.
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Nothing to see here. |
-Sookie finally gets around to asking Bill if he'll speak to The Descendants of the Glorious Dead group. Bill manages to make the whole night more depressing by talking about how not glorious the Civil War was. Hello Major Buzzkill.
-Jason and Dawn finally have some meaningful conversation about what effects Maudette's death has had on him. Just kidding! Jason finds Dawn bite marks like some kind of fangbanger bloodhound.
-On the telly Vampire Nan Flannigan is back and this time she's talking to Steve Newland Sr. The second best Steve Newland.
-Gran and Sookie contemplate WWJD about vampires. I'm thinking he probably should have convinced one of them to turn him so we would no longer have to ask What Would Jesus Do?
-Sookie makes thing weird by talking too much about the sausage in her mouth. It's not a penis, but give it time.
-Tara comes over and we learn that vampires can hypnotize people. It's weird having to learn things that are already so engrained into the True Blood mythos now.
-Jason's shirt says something "Thunderpussy".
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Find out what that "something" says: Internet Assemble! |
-What is Sookie wearing?
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At least she's wearing something...For now! |
-Bud becomes Giles the Explainer by teaching Sookie a few things. First, Bill Compton lives right next to the Stackhouse's, isn't that convenient! Second, tornados hop!
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Dear readers: Know that if I could give you the "hop" hand motion in .gif form I would. |
"Lucky for you no one's forcing you to watch."-Sookie wins best burn of the day.
-Least believable plot point in the episode. Sookie can smell a Cheez-it that has gone bad. Silly Sookie. Those things don't go bad.
-Gran continues to act like all grandmothers by asking if Sookie would like to be alone with Bill even though Jason and Tara have invited themselves along.
-Also Gran sounds like she just ran a marathon before starting this sentence.
-Tara does the whole, "that's my beer" ploy, that men like Jason Stackhouse are known to fall for. It does not work.
-Bill sneaks up on Sookie. Responds with the obvious, "I've upset you."
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Not as much as that jacket upsets me. |
-Tara asks the question on everybody's mind: "Did you own slaves?". Of course not Tara. He's got to be likeable somehow!
-Bill makes the lame joke that he is actually "the oldest person here" and Jason's reaction is all of us.
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It says "Alabama Thunderpussy" everyone! Good job, we can all go home now. |
"Jason, you don't need any help looking like a fool."-Sass runs in the Stackhouse family.
-Bill and Sookie take a nighttime stroll and talk about the effects of V. Bill even makes illegal drug side effects seem dull.
-Tara continues her futile attempt to flirt with Jason. It hard to say which couple has more passion at this point.
-"I'm a fucking idiot sometimes."
"Well, can I tell you a secret? I am too."
"It's not that much of a secret."
-Ok that little back and forth was cute.
-Bill tries to glamour Sookie. His face looks like this.
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Acting! |
-Sookie flashbacks to her youth when her telepathy upset her family. Does the mom look like a blonde Felicia Day to anybody else?
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Anybody? |
-Bill channels Angel by becoming angsty. It seems to work because he gets Sookie to offer up help in getting his house in order. Sucker.
-Bill then proceeds to tell Sookie that he "can smell the sunlight on [her] skin". I'll be honest. It kind of does it for me.
-Bill's fangs come out when he's aroused. Wonder what that could be a metaphor for?
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"Shut up!" |
-Dawn leaves Jason tied up and we're all wondering if there is a relationship worth rooting for in this show.
-We get a quick peek at Jane Bodehouse and Terry Bellefleur! More on you two later!
-Tara makes a good case against Sam that only the women are sexualized at Merlotte's. Kind of a side note but I like that True Blood is pretty good about equal opportunity gender sexualization. Good for you guys!
-"Remind me why I hired you again?"
"Affirmative action."
-Sam takes Sookie into his office...and just talks with her. Seriously Sookie. He's already got more personality than Bill.
-Lafayette, the best character, gives the best advice for everybody: "Don't let nothing get you down. It's the only way to live."
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Finally someone's fashion choices that I'm not questioning. |
-The conveniently timed news announcement pronounces Steve Newland Sr. dead. We barely knew ya.
-Finally something interesting happens between Bill and Sookie!
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Real vampires! |
-So what do you guys think? Does Sookie live a cursed life after drinking Bill's blood?
-This will be explored a little further in the next episode, but the interactions with Tara and her mom are painful. Rutina Wesley is good at portraying the love/hate relationship that is dealing with an alcoholic. You know what they're doing might kill them, but you have no idea how to make them stop either.
-Bill replies that Sookie's blood does taste different. We'll find out that it's because she's part fucking fairy.
-The camera man was none to subtle about this foreshadowing.
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Nothing to see here. |
Did I miss anything? Let me know in the comments!